Greenbank Island Washington WA N95 mask
Half Mask Greenbank Island Washington WA N95 mask

KN95 Masks Individually Wrapped

HongZhengHao HZHKN95 KN95 Mask is for social use. Not recommended for medical use. 50 pieces per pack Authorized Genuine N95 Authorized Genuine      Primary source factory N95 Primary source

Buy N95 Mask (HZHKN95)


NIOSH Testing and Certification N95 mask Features.

Product Name
Model SR 900 Half Mask with Filter and Chemical Cartridge Air Purifying Respirator
For Protection Against
Facepiece Type
Half Mask

Manufacturer information

Manufactured by Sundström Safety AB, Where to buy N95 mask? Greenbank Washington N95 mask shops list.

Technical Support/Project Mgr.

Sundström Safety AB
Västergatan 4
Lagan , 34014
46 8 562 370 42
46 8 562 370 60

Technical Service/Product Engineer

Sundström Safety AB
Västergatan 4
341 50 Lagan ,
+46 (0)8 562 370 21
+46 (0)8 562 370 60

Resource information

N95 mask resource in Greenbank, WA
